Individual support and special needs

A school for everyone

Developing our talents means taking into account everyone’s difference and supporting each student according to one’s needs and abilities. Equal opportunities for all is at the core of our philosophy of education.

That’s why the Shanghai French School is committed to allowing each child, regardless of their cultural environment and special needs, an access to a path of academic success.

Individual support

Accommodates children with a good knowledge of the English language. Within this stream, students strengthen their knowledge and acquire an excellent prociency in English as well as the deep understanding of the Anglo-Saxon culture.

This stream opens onto our International American Stream. An English test is required for admission in this stream.

Special needs

To help students achieve their full potential, we put in place action plans to help special needs students. Four main types exist:

– PPRE: Programme Personnalisé de Réussite Educative. In a nutshell, it is an action plan on a limited period 5 to 7 weeks that targets a specific area or skill (writing, oral skills, behavior, focus).

– PAP: Plan d’Accompagnement Personnalisé. Mostly for students suffering from dyslexia, dyspraxia. Special arrangements can be made such as alleviating the homework, allowing extra time for tasks, increasing the font size and so on…

– PAI: Projet d’Accueil Individualisé. For students suffering from a chronical disease or allergy.

– PPS: Projet Personnalisé de Scolarisation. For students suffering from a handicap.

How it works?

Contact the pedagogical team or the direction and report the difficulties of your child. They will discuss together the need for action. The teaching team can request a meeting with the parents as well as additional reviews before setting up a PAP or PPS or not.

Contact our individual support and special needs department

Yangpu campus Psychologist
Qingpu campus Psychologist
Catherine POULET
Special Education Teacher

Apply for admission