Primary school sports olympiads
LFS Yangpu Campus , ChinaPrimary school sports olympiads
Primary school sports olympiads
Baccalaureate results
Brevet results
Last day of classes
Graduation Ceremony
Celebration of students graduating with High Honors
Open Days
Presentation of ASC activities and LFS competition teams
Back to school for all students (except for K1)
kindergarten1 back to school
ASC program will be online on the EDUKA parent portal
Selection day for the basketball, soccer, swimming (Elite and Starters) and volleyball (Qingpu and Yangpu) teams.
ASC registration opens for competitive sports (primary and secondary)
ASC Trials for competition teams in badminton (high school), basketball (elementary and high school), soccer (elementary and high school), swimming (Elite and Starters) and volleyball (high school).
Registration opens for primary ASC (cultural and leisure sports)