
ESSEC – JoinZoomMeeting

ESSEC - JoinZoomMeeting: ; high school students and parents; online, Qingpu & Yangpu.

EICAR: Virtual conference on audiovisual professions

EICAR: Virtual conference on audiovisual professions Zoom link: Meeting ID: 983 3006 9205 - Secret code: 99660; high school students and parents; online, Qingpu & Yangpu.

INSA Lyon – Join Zoom Meeting

INSA Lyon - Join Zoom Meeting; high school students and parents; online, Qingpu & Yangpu.

RUBIKA – Join the Zoom meeting;high school students and parents; online, Qingpu & Yangpu.

PENNINGHEN – Join the Zoom meeting

PENNINGHEN - Join the Zoom meeting; high school students and parents; online, Qingpu & Yangpu.

World Day of the Rights of the Child

World Day of the Rights of the Child; 6th class Agnès Aubry (HG), Merriam El-Arrasse (HG), Denis Hiezely (3C); Mini-amphitheater, Qingpu.

Hybrid virtual open day of the Catholic University of Lille

Hybrid virtual open day at the Catholic University of Lille, click on the link:; registration required; high school students and parents; online, Qingpu & Yangpu. Program: livret JPO 27 NOV 2021.indd (