Social media good practices agreement

Qingpu and Yangpu campuses

The Lycée Français de Shanghai values a close and respectful partnership between the school and parents, for the benefit of all students and the entire community. This partnership allows us to work together in order to achieve our goals: the success of all our students and our ability to give them every opportunity to think, communicate and evolve freely in an open and multicultural world.

The agreement

Social networks play an important role in our lives. The use of these communication tools can have many benefits in terms of sharing news, events, information and thus contributes to strengthening the cohesion of our community. However, social media can also have a negative impact when not used responsibly.

This document aims to clarify the philosophy and expectations of our school regarding the use of social media. It refers to the use of all forms of social networks, which allow community members to exchange: Wechat, Linkedin, Facebook, What’s App, etc.

Signing this document when enrolling or re-enrolling your child is a commitment as parents and / or guardians of the child to support the school’s efforts to ensure that social media are used in a constructive and helpful manner, taking into consideration the interest of all.

By signing this document, you commit :

• To maintain courteous and respectful communications towards the school, even in the case of a criticism;
• To use social media to share verified and useful information;
• To take concerns directly to the teachers, Parent Relations staff or the Heads of School for any personal issue;
• Not to post on social media comments about community members of the Lycée Français de Shanghai (parents, students, educational or administrative staff) or groups of people and/or their pictures, that may be seen as denigrating or embarrassing.

In general, before posting a comment on social networks, take the time to ask yourself the following questions:

Is it true?
Is it helpful?
Is it informative?
Is it necessary?

Thank you for helping us into promoting spreading good practices on social networks.