Former LFS Students Shine in Meeting with Mrs. Macron and Mrs. Peng Liyuan

Former LFS Students Shine in Meeting with Mrs. Macron and Mrs. Peng Liyuan

The Musée d’Orsay hosted a remarkable event where the First Ladies of China and France, Mrs. Peng Liyuan and Mrs. Brigitte Macron, gathered to celebrate the enduring ties between France and China. During their visit, they had the unique opportunity to meet French students learning Chinese, including two former students from Shanghai French School.

In the photo below, you can see Mia and Daniel, who both attended LFS during their primary school years—Mia from 1st to 5th grade and Daniel from 2nd to 4th grade. Now back in France with their families, they are middle school students in Paris. During their time at LFS, Mia and Daniel were part of the Chinese International Section (SIC), a program dedicated to intensive Chinese language and cultural studies. This education has clearly had a lasting impact on them! Today, they continue their rigorous study of Chinese in a similar program at their middle school.

Their enthusiasm for the Chinese language earned them an invitation, along with around twenty other students from various Parisian schools, to meet the First Ladies of China and France during President Xi Jinping’s official visit to France. This event was in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Franco-Chinese friendship. The students shared their experiences of learning Chinese, and Mrs. Peng Liyuan encouraged them to keep up their efforts, to take advantage of opportunities to exchange in China, and to discover the rich, diverse facets of Chinese culture.

Our former students are already emerging as young ambassadors of Franco-Chinese friendship! We are incredibly proud of the achievements of our Chinese International Section and our primary education program. We wish Mia and Daniel continued passion and success in their pursuit of Chinese language and culture!