The Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment turns 10

The Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment turns 10

October is a special month for the cooperation between France and China. The Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment (MFCE) was highlighted by the projection of documentaries introduced by Séverine Boué, Attaché for University Cooperation.

Learning to live differently for our common future was the objective this edition of the MFCE focused on. Projections of documentaries shared one main goal: allowing everyone to better understand the issues we are currently facing to better protect our planet, one step at a time.

  • “La Glace et le Ciel”

What role do humans play in climate change? We follow Claude Lorius on a journey in his work of a lifetime as a climatologist and glaciologist.

  • “Thomas Pesquet : Objectif France”

What does it feel like to see Mother Earth from outer space? The French astronaut Thomas Pesquet goes back to the adventure that took him to space.