Our pre-kindergarten class opens in September!

Our pre-kindergarten class opens in September!

The Toute Petite Section (pre-kindergarten class) of the LFS “Les Petits Poussins” opens on our Qingpu and Yangpu campuses, starting from September 2023!

  • “Les Petits Poussins”, what is it and for whom?

With the pre-kindergarten class (TPS), 2-year-old children discover the school universe and learn to socialise outside of the family circle, without fears. Considered a first collective educational experience, our TPS will welcome a maximum of 12 children on each campus, to encourage the adaptation to a new environment.

Supervised by a French and Chinese team of two people who will ensure to respect their individual needs and pace, children will get accustomed to others and to the school sphere.

  • How does it work?

The TPS will welcome children 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday, at 8:00 a.m., until 3:00 p.m.. Lunch meal and naps will of course not be lacking!

  • Why choosing “Les Petits Poussins”?

From 2 years on, games and early learning activity play a key role in the child’s development. By progressively finding their way into the school environment, children learn and discover. One of the ambitions of the TPS is to also put French and Chinese languages at the core of the programme.

Choosing the TPS, it is opening the doors towards more autonomy, sensory discoveries, learning to handle diverse objects, reading, games, and more. With a classroom specifically arranged to encourage exploration and construction of knowledge, they can develop at their pace.

  • Want to know more?

Our admissions team is at your service to inform and advise you.

  • Contact Admissions

+86 (21) 3976 0555 ext.501        
+86 (21) 6897 6589 ext.758
+86 130 5203 8803