Meet the McKay family and their 3 children: Margot in Grade 2, Philippe in Grade 4, and Maximilien in Grade 6, all three are enrolled on our Qingpu campus. Their mother Caroline is French and Daniel, their father, is American. Both decided to go with the French education system at Shanghai French School after trying a curriculum offered in an International British School in Shanghai.
What school to choose when you are a bi-cultural family?
This choice is decisive for the family as well as for the children. As a Franco-American family, Caroline and Daniel began their parenthood journey in Washington DC, USA. When they arrived in Shanghai, they decided to enroll their children in an international school offering a British curriculum, before going back to the French system the following year.
Why such a change?
”We broke our piggy bank by choosing an International British School. Each of our children learnt how to play a music instrument, but in terms of teaching, we were not finding it useful, and our children were less in contact with other cultures and nationalities. The LFS is a non-profit organisation managed by active and passionate parents. This leadership highlights education and has at its core the students’ success, and the mastering of French, English and Chinese languages and cultures. Besides, at the LFS, the Franco-German Eurocampus offers students an additional exposure to cultural differences and possibilities to understand another language and a different perspective.”
The first motivation for the McKay family to join Shanghai French School was to go back to a familiar environment. “We wanted to return to an education system with a real curriculum, competent teachers, a nice campus and diversity. When we arrived at the LFS, the integration happened naturally. Margot was able to benefit from an adjustment in French thanks to the FLSco team, and Philippe received the help from his teachers who ensured he would be able to study normally.”
After several non-conclusive experiences, choosing the LFS was obvious. “We discovered a campus dedicated to education where all actors are truly involved: from teachers to the administration, the canteen and sports activities. Moreover, the school enables students to learn Chinese, English, and perfecting their French in a widely diverse environment. The LFS students enjoy an inclusive and flexible campus life where everyone is well integrated in the community and develop together the autonomy to manage their studies and participate in the school life.”
According to Caroline and Daniel, the main advantage of the LFS compared to other international schools relies on three pillars: the student life, the good management of the school, and the curriculum. “The principal advantage of the LFS compared to other international schools is the alchemy between these three elements: the studies, the student life, and the efficient the school management which targets high education and excellence of academic results. The LFS offer enables the access to a high-quality campus with a high-level education and the active participation of parents. The LFS teachers are the heart of the school. Add to this English language streams certified by the French National Education and three mandatory languages: French, English, and Chinese.
We also greatly appreciate physical education at the LFS. Sports teams are made of teachers and coaches who focus on each student with empathy and flexibility to develop students’ aptitudes and success, while taking into account their own strengths.”
Thank you to Caroline, Daniel, Margot, Philippe, and Maximilien for this awesome feedback!