The 2021-2025 school project is the educational roadmap of Shanghai French School for the next four years. To introduce the new school project to the School Council in June 2021 with an implementation next September, workshops were organised on April 15 for all the staff and the elected parents on both campuses.
It allowed everyone to contribute and brainstorm on different topics, based on their interests and skills.
Small groups were set up to discuss and work on predefined themes. For each focus, each group was able to propose one or more achievable and measurable action/s, including a timetable and monitoring indicators.
Groups focused on themes such as mastering of foreign languages, construction of self-esteem by encouraging talents and supporting each student’s abilities, creation and strengthening of the connection with the host country, the kindergarten cycle, school environment or alumni.
The school project must be a clear document for everyone, but also a tool for promoting education activities as well as the model offered by Shanghai French School, and more generally by the French education system. Its key features were presented by the Principal during the General Assembly of the Board.
As a certified and accredited school, Shanghai French School new school project includes the main orientations of the French Ministry of National Education, the main orientations of the AEFE (Agency for French Teaching Abroad), and the strategic development axes of the Board of Directors.