Learn in video about the International Chinese Stream at Shanghai French School

Learn in video about the International Chinese Stream at Shanghai French School

The International Chinese Stream (SIC) at Shanghai French School is a unique linguistic, cultural and scientific curriculum. Provided from K1 until Grade 12 in our school, it allows students to study Chinese language, literature and culture whilst learning mathematics in Chinese.

the International Chinese Stream at Shanghai French School

This broad and in-depth stream, which comes on top of the general French curriculum, allows students to reach a remarkable level of skills and knowledge at the end of high school and at the begin their path in higher education.

  • Who is this stream for?

The International Chinese Stream is aimed at students and families who have a long-term project with China. Just like our other international streams, the SIC requires a full investment from the students and their families in order to succeed in the best way.

Whether it is in Primary or Secondary, our school welcomes in SIC many students who have at least one parent with Chinese as the mother tongue. There are also students whom none of the parents speak Chinese. In this case, we recommend families to get extra support at home by a Chinese-speaking person.

At Shanghai French School, the prerequisite to enter an international stream is the mastering of French language.

  • What is taught in SIC?

Students get to acquire an exceptional knowledge on the Chinese world, the richness of its language, literature, culture, arts, and scientific mindset. Besides the knowledge and skills acquired with time, the SIC makes students more autonomous, dedicated to their work, cultivating a sense of effort and an open mind to the world around them.

In Primary school, language, mathematics, arts, science, history, and geography are taught in Chinese. In Secondary, we focus on Chinese language and literature, mathematics and arts.

  • A unique curriculum

Covering ¼ of their education, this curriculum gives our students the capacity to reach a formal level of language, both oral and written.

It also allows students to develop an analytical and independent mindset as well as a wider autonomy and it favors their creativity and self-expression. It also contributes to their intellectual and cultural growth and broaden their knowledge of Chinese cultural and literary heritage. Finally, the SIC is a strong pillar to develop intercultural skills.

  • Who are the teachers?

Our teachers are all experienced and their mother tongue is Chinese. Their teaching answers on a daily basis to the requirements of this specific curriculum.

Is this stream to be favored for children coming from Franco-Chinese families?

Yes, but not only! A child coming from a Franco-Chinese family will find in the SIC a place where to develop one’s double culture and bilingualism. A child coming from a fully Chinese or French family will also find in the SIC new territories to explore, knowledge and skills to acquire with confidence and pleasure!

The SIC is open to those who, in the context of a French school, wish to deepen their knowledge of Chinese language and culture and become experts in those fields. They will also be able to progress in other languages like English, German, Spanish or even Latin! Often, SIC students are excellent linguists!

  • A path to the OIB

The SIC allows students to prepare the OIB (Option Internationale du Baccalauréat), which is not a diploma nor the International Baccalaureate (IB) but a specialisation within the French Baccalaureate. Passing the OIB certifies an excellent level in language and international culture. The students need to take the following exams: language, Chinese literature and civilisation, and mathematics in Chinese.

The OIB allows students to apply easily to international schools and facilitate the access to renowned universities. This diploma naturally proves an open mind and a wider cultural knowledge.

  • Progress of students 

Our students progress continuously thanks to a dedicated teaching program (six hours of Chinese per week in Primary school and up to 8.5 hours in Secondary school) as well as a language environment. The results of our students, especially in the mastering of languages, often exceed our expectations.

In Grade 12, our students generally reach a B2/C1 level of Chinese language according to the CECRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Their oral and written level allow them to evolve easily in higher education as well as a professional environment in Chinese.