Discover the International American Stream at Shanghai French School

Discover the International American Stream at Shanghai French School

The International American Stream (SIA) of Shanghai French School starts from the third year of Kindergarten and goes up to Grade 12. It is a challenging studying path which allows students to practice English on a deeper level and aim for a native level.

Throughout their education path, students will not only follow the standard curriculum but will also follow specific courses in English language.

The International American Stream is one of the language streams provided at Shanghai French Schools. It targets motivated students who have the capacity to take on a heavier workload compared with other streams. This path allows students to access renowned international schools and universities.

English language is taught by native speaker teachers.Designed in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CECR), the reference levels expected in the 5 language activities are the following: A2 in Grade 6, B2 at the end of Grade 9, whilst a C1/C2 level is aimed for in High School.

  • A demanding program

With an important exposure to English language (ten hours of English classes in primary school and up to thirteen hours in middle school), students who choose this stream benefit from a real international overview and English-speaking culture. The methodology of the curriculum offers students the opportunity to broaden their outlook and be surrounded by different cultural perspectives.

Beyond English language and literature courses, students also follow history and geography, mathematics, music, technology, and sports in English language in middle school. In both middle and high school, the schedule of the students allows them to take these classes in smaller groups.

  • A path towards OIB

The SIA allows students to prepare the OIB (Option Internationale du Baccalauréat), which is not a diploma in itself nor the International Baccalaureate (IB) but a specialisation within the French Baccalaureate, the French national exam.

Passing the OIB certifies an excellent level in language and international culture. To succeed, students need to take the following tests: English, Anglo-American literature, history and geography (both oral and written exams).

  • Going global

The OIB is a major asset for students who wish to continue their studies abroad. Since French Baccalaureate is internationally recognized (thanks to partnerships settled between France and foreign states or the main organisations representing their education system), half of our graduates choose to pursue their studies outside of France each year.

Our SIA graduates apply for prestigious universities in the UK, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Italy or even the Netherlands.

Some universities request language certifications to process applications, which is why Shanghai French School is also a centre for standardised tests such as Cambridge, IGCSE, SAT, HSK, etc., giving students the best chances to succeed and access higher education worldwide.

What are the admission criteria?

It is not necessary to be bilingual to join the SIA. In K3 and Grade 1, no English level is required but the mastering of French language is mandatory. In order to join the SIA at a higher level, English language and literature skills are assessed at the time of enrollment by the Shanghai French School Language Department and are part of the admission criteria.

Besides, choosing the International American Stream is an ambitious project for the student. It is thus important to measure motivation, involvement and workload, which are expected to be high. For students coming from a different education system or in need of additional French learning, the mastering of French language remains a prerequisite to be able to join this pathway.