A new logo for our Eurocampuses

A new logo for our Eurocampuses

In 1996, the 23 students of the Shanghai French school joined, at the invitation of the German school, the site of the Cypress Hotel to share the premises. The Eurocampus Shanghai was born. Twenty-five years later, our two Eurocampuses bring together 2,000 families and 3,000 students.

The 25th anniversary celebration is an opportunity to launch a competition for students from Shanghai French School and Deutsche Schule Shanghai to create a new logo to carry the image of our Eurocampuses in Qingpu and Yangpu. We are pleased to share it with you here.

We received more than fifty projects from students from both French and German schools. The winning project was selected by a jury made up of members from the Euroboard, Headmasters and Executive Directors, LFS and DSS communications managers, 2 art teachers, 2 parents and 2 students from each  school.

Congratulations to Elodie Quach, LFS student in Terminale A, winner of the competition, with the help of Amie Wei, Léa Malergue and Laura Nghiem. Elodie, passionate about design, intends to pursue higher education studies in this field.

Her project caught the jury’s attention for the simplicity of its device as well as its modernity and dynamism. The color scheme embodies our two countries as well as the European Union, but also reflects the diversity and richness of our community. Like our Eurocampuses, it forms a unique and original whole where everyone remains free to find their identity according to their sensitivity.

This is the meaning of the new logo that we have chosen to represent our Eurocampuses. It embodies a unique achievement that has been held by the families before us, a certain idea of ​​education which places at its heart freedom, tolerance, inclusion and respect for each person’s identity. It will carry our image in all the common initiatives led by our schools.

Finally, it will support the opening of our campuses beyond the French and German communities. Today, our campuses are enriched with students and families from new cultural backgrounds, already some forty nationalities, which reinforce the cosmopolitan, plurilingual and multicultural dimension of our Eurocampuses.